For an Italian or a Greek, the following vegetable is commonly used in their delicious culinary dishes. This is the common eggplant. It is part of the nightshade family. I found out that the eggplant is typically a fruit, but not eaten as one. It has been cultivated for more than 4000 years – first being in India.
In the 16th century the eggplant was regarded as an aphrodisiac and called the "apple of love."
On the whole, eggplants are good but not very nutritious. It does contain a lot of calcium and potassium. In some countries like Nigeria, the eggplant is regarded as a contraceptive. It has been used to treat arthritis and well as seizures. I have used it in conjunction with omega 3 and bergamot to treat high cholesterol.
Many of my patients with cancer eat eggplant for its anti cancer benefits.
Until tomorrow...