Chilomastix mesnili: This is a pear shaped intestinal flagellate which is transmitted through direct ingestion of the cyst stage. It is not a common parasite. It can occur in the small bowel but mainly in the cecum. Most literature I read it is considered a commensal organism, it can play a role in chronic disease
In our case, it was found in a male who has had cecal carcinoma and now is in remission I never did a stool analysis in the recent past so did not discover this organism
Interestingly this is a non parasitic member of the primate gastrointestinal microflora , commonly associated but not causing parasitic infections It is associated in 3.5 % of the adult population in the United States. As I stated before, it lives in the cecum and the colon. In addition to human it is found in chimpanzees, orangutans, monkeys and pigs.t population in the United States. This organism has a similar lifestyle to Giardia lamblia. It does other with other parasitic infections. Upon researching it, it can create a false positive which can result in unnecessary treatment
Recently this patient traveled the Camino Trail There needs to be questions whether he consumed pork on this trip which might have been undercooked.
Until tomorrow..