THE WORD ‘ CANCER’ STRIKES FEAR IN ONE’S VOCABULARY. The last great Neil Simon stated this in “ Lost in Yonkers’ when discussing an aunt’s diagnosis. It was whispered.

YOU can do something about it. Change your dietary and exercise lifestyle. What are you eating and drinking? HAVE YOU GONE FOR YOUR SCREENING ?

There is screening for at least five major cancers. These are the following

1. Breast Cancer - discuss mammography, ultrasound, genetic testing and even thermography with your physician

2. Colorectal Cancer- are you over 50. You need a colonoscopy

3. Prostate Cancer - all men over the age 50 need a digital rectal exam by their physician. For higher risk patients it might be sooner. From personal experience— this is important

4. Cervical Cancer- recommendation state from age 21 through 65 there is need for a pap smear. You should get testing for HPV and go for your regular check up

5. Lung Cancer - for every smoker, one CXR is needed to view what is normal for you. This is especially for 30 pack years of smoking

Until tomorrow…