Cancer Cells

Cancer Support


Despite immense effort and a wide range of treatments, a cure for cancer has not been discovered. Cancer is still the second leading cause of death in industrialized countries such as the United States. We still do not know what cancer really is. The genetic component as a cause of cancer is small compared to the environmental causes which includes our food.



FMA practices the integrative approaches to cancer using natural prescriptions which include:

  • Dietary lifestyle changes with an anti-inflammatory approach
  • Reducing side effects of chemotherapy and radiation by using herbs and supplements
  • Using the healing power of plants for many types of cancer
  • Integration of conventional oncologists and our practice approach
  • Intravenous support using antioxidants and glutathione

Additional Recommendations

University of Bridgeport Center of Excellence Opus23 testing to give us unparalleled insight into the patient’s genetic susceptibilities

RGCC chemo sensitive testing

Cancer clinics within the United States

Cancer clinics in Mexico, Canada, and Europe